Why Not Fly Free Former Travel Agency Owner Reveals Secrets How To Accumulate And Use Airline Awards To Fly For Free. Discover how to fly for free & travel on a shoestring budget... You'll Save Money on Your Next Travel Purchase Or Your Money Back - Guaranteed!
From the desk of David Tinney, Author "Why Not Fly For Free"
Good Evening Friend,
"There's a way to avoid your anger, embarrassment and regret..."
That's what I told my friend, Eric, recently. Eric told me he and his wife haven't been on a vacation together for more than 4 years. Over a cup of coffee, he was explaining, or should I say making excuses, why he couldn't take his wife on a romantic holiday.
Eric's situation made me angry because I know and practice little known secrets how to travel, take vacations and get airline tickets for practically nothing, almost free!
Now, you also have access to same secrets, tricks and strategies I use to get free travel.
Imagine how happy you'll feel when you save hundreds, perhaps even thousands, on your next trip or vacation? It's up to you to make it happen.
Travel Agent tells his secrets
I've been beating the airlines at their own game for more than 15 years, flying almost free 98% of the time.You can use the same strategy that I've used to get 63 free airline tickets over the last 15 years.
Even though the price of airline tickets have gone out of site because of skyrocketing fuel prices and increased costs of airport security, there's still a way you can beat the system's high prices.
My name is David Tinney and I own a travel agency in the midwest United States. Our specialty is selling discount international airline tickets. I've written a guide that shows how you can travel practically free just about anywhere in the world.
That's right, after more than 20 years in the travel industry, I'm giving up all my secrets and little tricks I've learned and been using myself.
But you don't have to own a travel agency like I do for this to work. You'll learn the strategies to make it happen. My guide teaches you how to turn expenses into free travel...including:
Learn: secrets the airlines DON'T want you to know Learn: how your kids fly free Learn: strategy I use to get free airline tickets Learn: how you can save up to 70% on First or Business Class Learn: to fly anywhere in the world, only pay the ticket's tax Learn: how to take a vacation free, including airline tickets and hotel Learn: the truth about last minute airfares

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