Making it IMPOSSIBLE to lose weight , while also damaging your joints, disrupting your hormones, rapidly aging your skin, and even leading to Diabetes.
How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
Were you refreshed and able to jump out of bed…or did it take a while to force yourself up and out of bed, after being rudely shaken out of your slumber by that stupid alarm clock buzz, buzz, buzzing in your ear?
Did your body feel “young” and energetic as you got up, or...
...Were you achy and groggy from another restless night’s sleep?
When you looked yourself in the mirror, did you see a fresh, young face, or…
…Did you stagger into the bathroom, ankles and knees creaking , hunched over from back pain and tightness, and see an old version of yourself staring back through the mirror ? With bags under your eyes, dry & graying hair, wrinkled & dry skin?
When you looked down as you got dressed did you see a fit, lean, and healthy body, or…
… Did you see an ever-growing stomach, soft, “flabby” fat, and a body that’s become weak, tired and soft?
What goes through your mind as you look at yourself?
Are you happy with the way you look and feel, or…
… Are you frustrated by your life , with your lack of health, and with your inability to lose weight and keep it off ?
Do you mumble to yourself, “What the hell? How did I get to look and feel like this? ”
Are you at ease and peaceful, or stressed as you get ready for your day?
Do you have to drink multiple cups of coffee before you can even think about being productive and nice?
Do you drink more throughout the day, or even worse, use energy drinks and soda, because you have wild energy swings where you go from feeling good and energetic… to crashing and feeling like you need a nap?
Do you get winded easy? Lose your breath after you’ve gone up a flight of stairs, or as you rush out the door to your car?
Here's Your Simple Fat Loss Solution...
So how do you repair your damaged digestive system and start melting away your embarrassing belly fat , while also increasing your energy, & fighting joint pain?
The simplest way is to get rid of the foods you now KNOW are damaging your system.
Second, add “fermentable fibers” to your diet, which are also called prebiotics (sweet potato, yam, yucca, etc.) and eat a lot of fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, and certain types of yogurt (but most yogurts found in your grocery store are simply milk with sugar and are NOT healthy) You can also supplement with probiotics, but make sure to start slow and build up.
Third, better manage your stress through better sleep patterns, exercise, and breathing techniques. Stress is known to damage your gut , so the better you handle it, the healthier your gut will be.Fourth, start adding Turmeric to your diet, either with supplements or sprinkling the spice on your food. Turmeric aids your liver in flushing out the toxic substances that have been building there due to your damaged gut. It also fights dangerous inflammation
But, most importantly, you should get rid of those “health foods” causing you all those problems, and start consuming the ACTUAL foods that help you BURN stubborn belly fat , fix your hormones, fight against Diabetes, and help you look and feel YEARS younger…
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